That Boy's Evil UK 1 sided White Label DJ Promo
12": EVIL 1 500 only
A. That Boy's Evil
» Check out the hilarious press
release which accompanied this white label. Thanks to Gordon
Voß for sending this in.

The Fear US 2 trk Promo CD: PRCD 7863
(Album Case)
Pictured Right
1. The Fear (Edit) [4.29]
2. Research Hook [0.10]
» The Research Hook is a 10 second snippet of the chorus.

The Trees / Sunrise UK Promo CD: TREE CD1
Pictured Right
1. The Trees (Radio Edit)
2. Sunrise (Album Version)
3. The Trees (Album Version)
Release Sticker:
Both tracks feature on the bands forthcoming studio album "PULP", their
seventh. Recorded earlier this year at Metropolis studios and produced
by the legendary Scott Walker, "PULP" marks a shift away from the
nihilistic brinkmanship of "This Is Hardcore", with the 11 songs
featured, all bristling with optimism and nature, bizarrely. A limited
white label of Sunrise has already been made available to independent
shops, featuring mixes from Fat Truckers and All Seeing I. Jarvis and
Steve Mackey have already started 'Desperate' a loose collection of DJ's
and one mad club night. Desperate has already caused havoc at Homelands
(where the crowd went mental to Sunrise) and Reading festival, check
underground press for forthcoming events.

The Trees / Sunrise UK 2 trk Promo CD-R: [No
Pictured Right
1. The Trees (Radio Edit)
2. Sunrise (Album Version)
» Pre-release promo CD-R dated 22 August 2001.

The Trees / Sunrise UK 4 trk Promo CD-R: [No
Pictured Right
1. The Trees (Radio Edit)
2. The Trees (I Monster Mix)
3. Sunrise (Album Version)
4. Sunrise (Fat Truckers Scott Free Mix)
» Pre-release promo CD-R dated 6 September 2001.

The Trees / Sunrise Remixes UK 4 trk Promo CD-R:
[No Number]
Pictured Right
1. Sunrise (All Seeing I - Middle Of The Road Mix)
2. Sunrise (Fat Truckers - Scott Free Mix)
3. The Trees (Felled By I Monster)
4. The Trees (Lovejoy The No Jazz Mix)
» Pre-release promo CD-R dated 7 September 2001. Thanks to Gordon
Voß for this scan.

The Trees / Sunrise Australian 3 trk Promo CD:
PROPULP0901 (Card Case)
Pictured Right
1. The Trees (Radio Edit)
2. Sunrise (Album Version)
3. The Trees (Album Version)
The Trees / Sunrise South African CD: MAXCD 337
1. The Trees (Album Version)
2. Sunrise (Album Version)
3. The Trees (Felled By I Monster)

The Trees Spanish 1 trk Promo CD: PULP 1
(Card Case)
Pictured Right
1. The Trees (Radio Edit)
The Trees / Sunrise Japanese CD: UICI 5007
Pictured Right
1. The Trees (Album Version)
2. Sunrise (Album Version)
3. The Trees (Felled By I Monster)

This House Is Condemned UK 1 sided White label
DJ Promo 12": BLAZE44T
Pictured Right
B1. Is This House?
B2. This House Is Condemned
» Both tracks are the Parrot & Winston Remix versions of This House
Is Condemned. These same tracks appeared as b-sides on the My Legendary
Girlfriend 12" which is essentially the same pressing as this white
label. For some reason, the white label wasn't pressed with My Legendary
Girlfriend on the a-side, which instead was left blank.
Live At Glastonbury (This Is Glastonbury) UK
7trk Promo CD: 524 592-2 01
('Island Studios' Card Sleeve)
Pictured Right
Same Tracklisting as This Is Glastonbury CD
Release Sticker #1:
"Pulp's performance at Glastonbury was legendary and ample reward for
all after a day or two spent trudging around in the swamps that
bedeviled this years festival. Here it is recorded for posterity and
available on a special double CD for a limited period in the shops..."
Release Sticker #2:
Hot on the heels of their critically accliamed headlining spot at
Glastonbury, comes this recording of the band's set. The album will be
available to purchase with copies of "This Is Hardcore", for the bargain
price of an additional £1.00. PULP are also nominated in this years
MERCURY MUSIC AWARDS in the Best Albums category for "This Is Hardcore".
Released on September 7th. "Live At Glastonbury" provides the perfect
reminder for those who were there, and for those who weren't! A chance
to experience Sheffield's finest live!!
This Is Hardcore (single) UK Promo CD: CIDDJ 695
(Card Case)
Pictured Right
1. This Is Hardcore (Radio Edit) [5:14]
2. This Is Hardcore (Original version) [6:23]
Release Sticker:
Before you listen to this, please appreciate that we consider this new
Pulp single to be a masterpiece. We therefore ask you to give it an
extra special listen, a deep, complete listen as befits the title track
of the next Pulp album. It is strange, wonderful and vast in scope. It
will scare you because it is so good, yet you will wonder what your
listeners will think of this new dimension in pop music. You must take
the moral high ground "This Is Hardcore" and do not falter. It is as
good as you feared. - S.P.

This Is Hardcore (single) 12" Promo vinyl: 12IS
695DJ (Pink Sleeve)
Pictured Right
A1. This Is Hardcore (4 Hero Mix)
A2. This Is Hardcore (Swedish Erotica Mix)
B1. This Is Hardcore (Stock, Hausen & Walkman Remix)
B2. This Is Hardcore (Original Version)

This Is Hardcore (single) 12" Promo vinyl: 12ISX
695DJ (Gold Sleeve)
Pictured Right
A1. This Is Hardcore (Original Version)
A2. Ladies' Man
B1. The Professional
B2. This Is Hardcore (End Of The Line Remix)
This Is Hardcore (single) 7" Juke Box vinyl:
ISJB 695
Pictured Right
A. This Is Hardcore
B. Ladies' Man
This Is Hardcore (single) Promo Cassette: [No
Pictured Right
Side A. All tracks from This Is Hardcore CD1
Side B. All tracks from This Is Hardcore CD2
This Is Hardcore (single) Australian CD1: 572
231-2 (Card Case)
Same tracklisting as UK This Is Hardcore CD1
This Is Hardcore (single) Australian CD2: 572
233-2 (Card Case)
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK This Is Hardcore CD2
This Is Hardcore (single) Euro 2 trk CD: CIDT
695 (Card Case)
Pictured Right
1. This Is Hardcore
2. Ladies' Man
This Is Hardcore (single) French 1 trk Promo:
3819 (Card Case)
Pictured Right
1. This Is Hardcore (French Edit)
This Is Hardcore (single) Mexican 2 trk Promo
CD: CDP826 (Picture Sleeve)
Included in Mexican promo press kit
This Is Hardcore (single) Japanese CD: PHCR 8430
Pictured Right
1. This Is Hardcore
2. Ladies' Man
3. The Professional
4. This Is Hardcore (Pulp's End Of The Line Remix)
This Is Hardcore UK Album Promo CD: HARDCORE 1
(Card Case)
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
Release Sticker:
This is a real album, the whole is greater than its sum of parts, and
each is superlative. Listen to actively and completely with brain
online. Pulptasmic. - S.P.
This Is Hardcore Radio Special UK Double Promo
CD: HARDCORE 2 (Jewel Case)
Pictured Right
CD 1: Do You Remember The First Time? (BBC Radio 1 Pulp Documentary 1981
- 1995)
CD 2: From Disco To Hardcore (BBC Radio 1 Pulp Documentary 1995 - 1998)
» These programmes were first transmitted on 22 March and 29 March 1998
to coincide with the release of the This Is Hardcore LP
This Is Hardcore UK Promo Cassette: [no number]
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK release.
Side A: Tracks 1 - 8, Side B: Tracks 9-12
This Is Hardcore Deluxe Edition - Disc 1 Promo
CD-R: [no number]
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as standard deluxe edition CD1
This Is Hardcore Deluxe Edition - Disc 2 Promo
CD-R: [no number]
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as standard deluxe edition CD2
» Click here to read the
Press Release for the Pulp Deluxe Editions.

This Is Hardcore Canadian Album Promo CD: ISCD
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album with 1 bonus track:
13. Like A Friend

This Is Hardcore French Album Promo CD: 7037
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album.
This Is Hardcore Japanese Album CD: PHCR 3710
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album with 2 bonus tracks:
13. Like A Friend
14. Tomorrow Never Lies
» Released in Japan on 18 March 1998
This Is Hardcore / This Is Glastonbury Japanese
Double CD: PHCR 90713
Pictured Right
CD 1: This Is Hardcore 14trk Japanese Album
CD 2: 'This Is Glastonbury' Live CD with 2 bonus tracks:
8. This Is Hardcore (Live)
9. Glory People - Glory Days / Common People (Live)
» Released In Japan on 26 September 1998
This Is Hardcore Saudi Arabian Cassette: 318301
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK cassette.
» Manufactured under licence by Megastar
for sale in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries only (Bahrain,
Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates). Ksenia was
clearly deemed too risqué, hence the alternative sleeve which makes this
particular release very collectable. All references to 'Hardcore' and
'Seductive' have been deleted from the inlay card as have most of the
This Is Hardcore US Album CD: 314-524 492-2
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album with 1 bonus track:
13. Like A Friend (Edited Version)
» The ending of 'The Day After The Revolution' is shorter than on the UK
album in order to fit the extra track.
This Is Hardcore US Album Promo CD-R: [No
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as US album (above).
We Love Life Non-UK CD: CIDX 8110
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
» Note the modified colours of the import sleeve, possibly an attempt by
the record company to help prevent the purchase of cheaper import CDs
here in the UK.
We Love Life UK Promo Sampler CD-R: [No Number]
Pictured Right
1. Weeds
2. Sunrise
3. The Trees
4. The Night That Minnie Timperley Died
5. Bad Cover Version
» Dated 30 May 2001 this was the first of many promo CD-Rs.
We Love Life UK Promo Sampler CD-R: [No Number]
Pictured Right
1. Bad Cover Version
2. The Trees
3. The Night That Minnie Timperley Died
4. Weeds
5. Sunrise
» A variant of the above promo. This one was issued the following week
on 6 June 2001.
We Love Life UK Promo CD-R ("Pulp Love Life"):
[No Number]
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
» "Pulp Love Life" was the original title of the LP, before being
dropped in favour of "Pulp" (see promo below) which was then dropped in
favour of "We Love Life". This promo is dated 26 July 2001, and bears
the original song titles.
We Love Life UK Promo CD-R ("Pulp"): [No Number]
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
» This is the second promo that was issued, after the "Pulp Love Life"
title was dropped. The sleeve is dated 14 September 2001 and bears
slightly modified song titles.
Jarvis Cocker Interview UK Promo CD-R: [No
Pictured Right
1. Jarvis & Steve Interview
» During the week that We Love Life was released, this interview disc
(dated 25 October 2001) was issued to a few journalists and media types,
presumably enabling them to add a few off-the-peg Cocker quotes into
their reviews. The 35 minute single track Jarvis and Steve interview is
actually taken directly from the Electronic [video] Press Kit issued to
promote the album overseas. They talk about the inspiration behind the
songs and the making of the album, with Jarvis in particular providing
some fascinating reference points.
We Love Life German Promo CD: 512 163-2
Disc Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
» Packaged in a 10"x10" gatefold card sleeve, with standard artwork on
the front and biography and pictures inside.
We Love Life German 13 track Promo CD-R: [No
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album with 2 additional tracks:
12. The Trees (Radio Edit)
13. Sunrise (Remake Version)
We Love Life Japanese CD: UICI 1014
Same tracklisting as UK album.
» Released in Japan on 20 October 2001
We Love Life Swedish Promo CD-R ("Pulp"): [No
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
» And to confuse matters further, here's a promo CD-R of the We Love
Life album from Sweden. Shown here with the later choice of album title
"Pulp", but with the earlier song titles.
We Love Life Thai Cassette: 586541-4
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album.
Side A: Tracks 1-5
Side B: Tracks 6-11
We Love Life US CD: 06076-83204-2
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album with 2 bonus tracks:
12. Yesterday
13. Forever In My Dreams
» Released on the Rough Trade / Sanctuary label.
We Love Life US Promo CD-R: RHTSP-83204-2
Pictured Right
Same tracklisting as UK album
» USA Promo CD-R on the Rough Trade/Sanctuary label. Notes on the rear
sleeve indicate a 20 August 2002 US release date for the album. It also
mentions a US tour during August and September 2002 (whether this really
was going to happen or whether it was just to get publicity for the US
release is unclear...)
[No Title] UK Promo CD-R of 1999 Demos: [No
Pictured Right
1. Birds In Your Garden
2. Darren
3. Bob Lind
4. Sunrise (Alt / Dynamics Mix)
5. Yesterday
6. The Quiet Revolution
7. Wickerman
8. Cuckoo Song
9. Got To Have Love
» Dated 16 November 1999, this is an Island CD-R of some early demos
that Pulp recorded before Scott Walker came on board, though possibly
during the time they were working with Chris Thomas. I expect this was
an opportunity for Pulp to lay down some initial versions of songs after
the Venice / Edinburgh / Co. Cork concerts earlier that year. Unless
you're incredibly lucky, your chances of finding this promo are nil
- I can imagine that the number of pressings were barely in their teens
and were only distributed to record label and management heads, not the
broadcast or print media. Happy hunting!